🛠️ Adopt configuration

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Adopt creation

If the server has adopt creation enabled, you will see a “Create Adopt” button on the front page. If there is no “Create Adopt” button visible after logging in, adopt creation is currently disabled. Please be in touch with the server admin to set up your new adopt for you.

Adopt settings

đź“‚ Creating base layers

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Base layers

This is where you upload your adopt lines and shading, and order your genes.

Layer types

🎨 Creating color pools

Every adopt is created with a few FlightRising palettes to use as samples. These are usually good enough to use out of the box (I like using Basic Palettes 1 + 3, and Butterfly Palettes 1 + 3).

If you’d like to try building your own from scratch, please read the instructions on the panel.

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🧬 Genes